What certification services do Bartley Burns complete once we go to site?
During construction our Certifiers can provide on-going advice and also complete inspections at certain stages of the works.
For Class 1a dwellings, The Building Regulation 2021 requires the Certifier to issue Staged Form 16 to sign off the mandatory stages of construction. The final document to be issued for detached Class 1a & Class 10 structures is the ‘Form 21 – Final Inspection Certificate’.
For (Class 2-9 and attached Class 1a) the final certification comes by way of a ‘Form 11 – Certificate of Occupancy’.
These certificates will be issued once all aspects of the inspections have been satisfied and all supporting contractor/installation certificates (Form 12, Form 43 & Form 16s) are provided to your Certifier. The Certifier can rely on inspection advice from a ‘Competent Person’ and will request their details in order to assess and add these persons to our competent person register. Please note that there may also be Town Planning Conditions that must be met before the job can be finalised.